Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Way to Go, Paula! Karen Day 2/3

You are tearing it up out there. But what is sweet potato with ICINB (was that supposed to be icing?) -- I need to learn about this.

Breakfast: 3 small square homemade waffles (I know, not exactly diet material, but the kids were begging for waffles, and that's one thing I can't pass up -- but I didn't eat the sausage); nonfat vanilla yogurt; 1/2 C fresh OJ; 1/2 C milk

Snack: Handful of peanuts; string cheese

Lunch: Chipotle chicken salad; water

Snack: Handful of almonds; string cheese; carbonated flavored water

Dinner: Taco salad (I made tacos for dinner and skipped the tortillas); water

Dessert: Sugar free/fat free vanilla frozen yogurt with almonds and raspberries


Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit; 1 C total with milk

Snack: pita crisps with hummus; string cheese; quarter apple

Lunch: spinach salad with swiss, cucumbers, almond slices, dressing



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